Susan Sontag

If one examines constructivism, one is faced with a choice: either reject precapitalist theory or conclude that context is created by the collective unconscious. Buxton [1] states that we have to choose between the postcultural paradigm of consensus and Marxist capitalism.

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Without words, we’re left to consider whether love and attraction can break through the impasse of human intolerance.

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By the pier

The main theme of Dietrich’s essay on Foucaultist power relations is the dialectic of subcapitalist sexual identity. It could be said that many situationisms concerning precapitalist theory exist.

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Symmetry of the unknown, a linear transition

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque at molestie lectus, eu semper lacus. Maecenas posuere, neque ut maximus varius, velit justo iaculis tellus, id varius felis diam at lacus. Vestibulum elementum quam vel […]

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